

Fill in the blanks Fill in the blanks 1. BOO_S 2. _ _NDOM 3. F_ _ K 4. P_ N_S 5. PU_S_ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ans 1.BOOKS 2.RANDOM 3.FORK 4.PANTS 5.PULSE Dirty Mind =P ;)

A Man goes to Five Star Hotel... Man :- “One Vodka Price” Waiter :- "Rs. 5/- Sir" Man :- What Only Rs. 5/ ?? Can I Also Have One Pizza Please" ?? Waiter :- “Rs. 7/- Sir” Man :- “Wow That’s Really Cheap, Can I Meet The Owner of this Hotel” Waiter :- “No Sir, He’s Busy With My Girlfriend” Man :- “What’s He Doing With Your Girlfriend” ???? Waiter :- “The Same Thing That I’m Doing To His Business

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