

People always find it easier to be a result of the past rather than a cause of the future.

Unfortunately, the clock is ticking, the hours are going by. The past increases, the future recedes. Possibilities decreasing, regrets mounting.

What people want is the extra, the emotional bonus they get when they buy something they love.

True fans are hard to find and precious. Just a few can change everything. What they demand, though, is generosity and bravery.

The longer you live in the past, the less future you have to enjoy.

Instead of thinking about what you are going to do when you retire, think about how you can do that now and make a living from it.

My interest is in the future because I am going to spend the rest of my life there.

The trouble with not having a goal is that you can spend your life running up and down the field and never score.

Distinguishing the signal from the noise requires both scientific knowledge and self-knowledge.

Inspiration is difficult to measure, but the results driven by that inspiration are powerful.

It's amazing how a little tomorrow can make up for a whole lot of yesterday.

Inhale the future. Exhale the past.

You will not do incredible things without an incredible dream.

Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change.

Inspiration is difficult to measure, but the results driven by that inspiration are powerful.

The more I want to get something done, the less I call it work.

You are not defined by your past. You are prepared by your past.

Man’s mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions.

People always find it easier to be a result of the past rather than a cause of the future.

It is by no means an irrational fancy that, in a future existence, we shall look upon what we think our present existence, as a dream.

People with clear, written goals accomplish far more in a shorter period of time than people without them can ever imagine.

Our job is to make change. Our job is to connect to people, to interact with them in a way that leaves them better than we found them, more able to get where they’d like to go. Every time we waste that opportunity, every page or sentence that doesn’t do enough to advance the cause, is waste.

The trouble with not having a goal is that you can spend your life running up and down the field and never score.

We're living in a world where Google beats Gallup.

The most important thing about goals is having one.

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